About Us
In 1998 the principals of Merchant Financial Services formed their first Merchant Services venture. Three years later Merchant Financial Services was born. The company’s philosophy is simple:
Assist Merchants by utilizing the latest technologies, proper business practices and aggressive pricing programs allowing the Merchant to increase productivity and focus on their core business objectives.
How do we accomplish this?
Stability – We have aligned ourselves with the leaders in electronic payment solutions. These include Elavon (part of U.S. Bancorp -NYSE: USB) and First Data Corporation (NYSE: FDC). These partnerships give our Merchants access to the highest rated networks and technologies in the world.
Experience – A Merchant Financial Services Account Representative averages over 8 years in this industry. The landscape of Merchant Services has evolved dramatically over the last 10 years. The changes in Visa/MC compliance combined with the introduction of hundreds of new pricing categories have made it exceedingly difficult for a Merchant to clearly understand the most efficient methods of accepting credit cards.
Focus – Our focus is payment processing and only payment processing. We do not sell web hosting, POS Systems, credit cards, ATM machines or Advance Funding programs. Our objective is to direct a Merchant to the optimum payment solution for their specific business.
To see how we can help your business please contact one of our Account Executives at (888) 440-8780 or e-mail us at